Saturday, September 10, 2016

Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons

Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons

      Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons is such a cute book. My son and I read it a lot and we sing and read together. Pete the Cat is a cat that has a shirt that losses 4 buttons total. Each of the buttons are four different colors. Pete the Cat goes through the day and each time something happens and a button pops off. Every time the button pops of they sing a song. " My buttons my buttons my four groovy buttons. He never cried, he just kept going on the day like nothing was wrong. By the end of the story he has no buttons and still does not cry. He finds out that he has his own button, his belly button. 

    Pete the Cat is a story book, humor and comedy. Some of the thymes and subjects are counting numbers and singing songs with colors as well. K3-2nd grade can read this book.

    The class can go into groups and discuss how many colors, numbers, they see in the book. They can go to each kid in the class and see what everyone has come up with. They can draw a picture of what is there favorite scene in the book. I want the kids to realize that things happen in everyday life and we have to either work with it or just move forward. There is no reason to get upset when the unexpected has happen.

Readers Response Questions
The first question is how many colors where on the buttons?
The second questions is how many buttons where there?
The third question is where is the final button that Pete the Cat finds?


Eric Litwin was born in New York in 1966. He was a former teacher and now as he says a recovering teacher. One day realized how different kids were between kindergarten and third grade. He realized that kids loose interest and do not appreciate reading like they use too. He decided he wanted to introduce music and interactivity. He calls this style multi learning approach. 

Litwin, E., & Dean, J. (2012). Pete the cat and his four groovy buttons. New York, NY: 


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